Historically, I'm fine with just a little dropdown list of clipboard items, snippets, or whatever. Basically the same concept as Xmenu, but prettier, and all-in-one app. In addition to clipboard management, Paste also allows me to save my own custom snippets to use whenever the need arises. This was basically just an icon that sat up in my menu bar, when clicked would drop down a list of various snippets I'd saved for recall. Until Paste, I used another handy little app called Xmenu. Like standard usage rights for a photo, or something similar. I have certain verbiage I use in emails, invoices, and social media regularly. Snippets are little pieces of text (or whatever, maybe code) that you use over and over again. That actually brings up a surprising feature that I also needed, but wasn't expecting: the snippet. I can even categorize these little "copy" items if they're something I want to use regularly, for instant recall when I need them. With a quick keystroke, I can access all the stuff I've CMD+C'd throughout eternity. This is a relatively new app for me, but man it's a good one. The problem with this is that sometimes I need to refer back to a link I used earlier in the day, or even a prior day, which requires hunting it down again, often times an annoying time suck.Įnter Paste.
Apple clipboard manager code#
I copy and paste crap all day long, whether it's a link to some article, a URL for files that I've uploaded for a client, or some bullshit code that I have to enter for authentication so hackers don't steal my identity. Little apps that don't do a lot, but do one thing very well. So when it comes to computing, you will likely never see any sort of post from me directly speaking of anything PC, Windows, or Android. I drink the Six Color Kool Aid by the gallon. I guess I should mention that I'm a die hard Apple guy.

Let's kick off the meat of this blog with a bit of a nerd post.